Last night our four-session Spring Screening Salon, TAKING A STAND got underway!
What a great start, with a really great group, and conversation as a result of us watching the Oscar-winning documentary short, Period. End of Sentence.
What an eye-opener!! Most, if not all of us attending had NO idea of the enormous impact of 'period poverty' on the education of girls!
Though our attention was focused on India, the issue is very real in the US, where period poverty -- a lack of access to affordable menstrual hygiene products -- affects one in five teens.
I know Featured Guests Melissa Berton and Ruby Schiff loved being a part of the talk time and appreciated everyone’s thoughts and the many enthusiastic suggestions to expand the ripples even further for The Pad Project… from connecting with Melissa Gates, to ideas for writer of The Red Tent Anita Diamont's just out book, Period... The Chapter Continues... and potential collaborations with other organizations that would embrace their mission.
As Melissa said, we have her blessing to share the film with your circles! It’s on Netflix and here’s the direct U-tube link (25 min): and the trailer.
In looking through websites, I often go to the news section. Here are just a few mega ripples on the News page of The Pad Project that were emerging a year ago:

Oct 2020 (on multiple media platforms) - Pantone has released a bold new shade of red, called "Period," to help destigmatize menstruation. The new hue...encourages period positivity.”… Pantone's latest initiative joins a number of recent efforts to boost the visibility of the so-called "period positivity" movement. In 2019, a documentary short called "Period. End of Sentence," directed by Rayka Zehtabchi, won an Academy Award. Later that year, the Unicode Consortium -- a non-profit organization that develops and approves new emoji -- introduced a "drop of blood" symbol…
While Pantone is best-known for its Color of the Year, it has also launched colors related to social and environmental issues.
The other pages of their website take you into their work in fascinating ways, including how to collaborate and support their mission, A period should end a sentence. Not a girl’s education.
eaking of supporting, if their mission speaks directly to you, do consider contributing to them either via their website or on here, where you can read more about Melissa, Ruby and the Featured Guests for the rest of this series. (The full amount of contributions via Stone Soup Ripple go directly to support the work of our Featured Guests.)
NEXT TUESDAY & the rest of the series...
If you're already booked, great! If not, now's your chance! It's very casual... I suppose you could call it productive fun... and feel free to bring a friend.
Full program and trailers are on the Upcoming page.
May 11: Featured Guests Camilla and Jim Becket, who were with us last night will join us next time. We’ll experience their feature film that will premiere later this month, The Seeds of Vandana Shiva.

As Jim said in last night's screening salon, Dr. Shiva has become Monsanto’s worst nightmare because of her TAKING A STAND for organic food systems, food justice and regenerative farming. The film is a never-before-seen look into her life.

May 18: Featured Guest: Laura Turner Seydel, Ted Turner’s daughter and an international environmental advocate and eco-living expert.
Laura will join us with TED TURNER: CAPTAIN PLANET. The 45-minute piece, hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, spotlights Ted Turner's pioneering conservation efforts across his properties and elsewhere.
May 25: Closing Salon... Taking a Stand Featured Guests: Our Entire Group
As always, this final session is a special one where we focus on integration, connection and ripples. (Because we don't see screened content, it ends 30 minutes earlier.)
