Nov 26, 2020
Let the ripples continue as you watch, re-watch, share with others and share your comments here.
It has been such a privilege to bring people together for Listen, Learn… Speak. Whether you attended any of the other salons or not, please join us on Tuesday for our closing salon of the series. I know that for all who have participated, these salon conversations will remain with us as we connect with friends and family this week and during the December holidays.
This past Tuesday, Erahm was with us yet again sharing his film, The Philadelphia Project, which was the catalyst for a compelling group discussion and breakout sessions.
Wishing you an especially connected holiday weekend ahead,
Screened Content Links, with gratitude to Erahm Christopher:
- Dear Voter (1 min)
- Powerful Words (8 min)
SALON 2 - LISTEN (1:48 min)
… and a short about Listen as a catalyst a mental health initiative
… an article in Getting Smart about LISTEN and mental health (& LISTEN trailer)
SALON 3: - The Philadelphia Project (60 min)
SALON 4: Join us this coming Tuesday, Dec 1st, from 5-7pm / 8-11pm ET Please join us with a cocktail, mocktail, cup of tea or glass of wine for this highly interactive closing session. Yet again, Erahm will be with us, and this time WE will be the content as we integrate our collective experience around the theme of this series.