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Writer's pictureChristine

Behind the Scenes of a SSR Screening Salon Series

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

I just sent this out to the group from this past Tuesday’s salon where we experienced the film Mission: JOY - Finding Happiness I’m Troubled Times.

You might be curious about what happens in between the salons... So below is an excerpt. Maybe we'll see you for one or both of the two ONLINE screening salons of this series, Connection & Vulnerability?

Sent by me to Salon Participants:

Tuesday night was something very special for sure. How could it not be, when we get to spend time with the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu?!? Our ’soup’ became even richer and is on simmer as this Vulnerability & Connection series continues. To join us, here are the Quicklinks:

  • Series Program

  • Booking Calendar (btw, the group size is limited. We had a waiting list last time. Please cancel your reservation if you can't make it to open your spot for someone else.)

To this week's Featured Guest Peggy Callahan, Producer & Co-Director of Mission: JOY -- Finding Happiness in Troubled Times, I know I speak for everyone who was with us on Tuesday, thank-you SO much for sharing Mission: JOY and taking the time to be with us. Thank-you also for dedicating yourself to positive change through this film as well as BIG JOY and the other important work you do to end modern-day slavery. You are truly an inspiration, as are your ripples. To each of you, Although our soup is on simmer, that doesn't have to mean pause. Here's what's cooking and ways you can stay in the ripple:

  • ADD TO THE CONVERSATION: There's always more to say in these salons.. and we can do that in our Private Discussion Group (PDG), Look for posts from me and others.

  • RIPPLES FOR JOY: To add your own ripples to Mission: Joy and BIg JOY, see Peggy's post and feel free to be directly in touch with her. (To join the BIG JOY challenge, activate the QR code below.)

  • ABOUT PEGGY: Peggy's accomplishments are many, here's her profile on the Meet Our Featured Guests page. While yo

Whether or not you're there, I invite you to...

  • CONTRIBUTE: No matter the size, one of your acts of kindness can be to make a contribution to support our Featured Guests. Just click on the photo of the rowers and Add to the Ripple (100% of your contributions goes to them.)

  • STAY CURRENT WITH PDG: Here's how:

    • Read Posts & Comment

    • Add Your Own Posts

    • * Know When Others Post: If you sign up for email notifications, you can opt in for quick emails when someone posts.

    • On the PDG page, click on the 3 vertical dots under the photograph, on the right. Select e-mail and choose what you want.

Here's to our combined ripples and the ones in our own lives. See you next week and in the PDG, Christine



If you want to see Mission: Joy, the private link to the film that we used in the salon is ACTIVE until tomorrow, Friday, April 15th. (Those in last Tuesday’s salon already have it.) Message or email me if you want it… and join us for next week’s salon and then you can be part of the conversation.

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