Finally after two “okay“ versions, I decided to go for it and build a new website on my own. (Well not quite, thanks to the inspiration and encouragement of many... and to Wix Customer Support.)
So here it is, hot off the press! I hope to hear from you about the good and the not-so-good, and thank you in advance for your patience as this continues to evolve. For now, here's hoping to be a few steps further on the journey to make the Stone Soup Ripple experience all it can be.
A quote we all know that has been attributed to many is "God is in the details". To that, I'll add something I learned working with Ralph Lauren and the many talented people there. Though he never actually said it, Ralph expressed in every other way... A vision to life through the details.
I've carried this with me throughout my personal and professional life, including this new website. My vision for Stone Soup Ripple is to bring people together as a community to connect with each other around thought-provoking and heart-felt themes to create ripples of growth and change.
To make that happen, the details need to line up with the vision... and that led to this third attempt website and me doing it myself.
4 New Ways This Website Will Bring Our Mission to Life
1. Add to the Ripple to Support Our Featured Guests
With this new website we will offer yet another way to support the amazing thought leaders who share their time and content with us. From now on, SSR will not charge a booking fee for online salons. Instead we are offering a way for salon participants and others to make contributions here to support them.
"I want to help" links are on the Upcoming page as well on the reservation page, and 100% of the amount collected will be given to the Featured Guests of each funding period.
I believe in the power of expression through screened content. I also know that this additional ripple will allow them to further their vision and their work.
2. Discussions Among the SSR Community
On this site is the Discussions page. This will be where all Members of the SSR community (those who are signed into SSR) may communicate and connect.
Even if you're unable to participate in a particular gathering, you can still add your ingredients into the mix in this stone soup of connection and keep the ripples going.
3. Member-to-Member Connection
The Members page is where you can get a better sense of your felllow members and connect with them individually by following and messaging with them. You’ll have a profile where you can add photo, info about you etc etc.
Of course, the more ingredients you add into the mix, the more delicious our collective sone soup will become... and that doesn't even factor in the ripples;)
4. Private Discussion Groups
Among other features on the this new site are our dedicated Private Discussion Groups for each salon series, pop-up or salon other gathering. These are private to those who attend a particular gathering to allow the gathering vibe to continue to ripple among us as a group, and not just individually.
Picture it like one of those wonderful lingering meals where no one wants to leave… except with these groups, we won't really have go home!
I look forward to staying connected with you here and in our upcoming salons.