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2021, Spring Salon Series: TAKING A STAND

Private·27 members


Our Tuesdays together are just the beginning. This group is for you, for everyone who will be participating in this series. It is where initial ripples gain momentum.

My original vision for Stone Soup Ripple was to bring people together in meaningful ways. For me, that also meant creating a secure way to for us to continue to connect as a group... before, during and after our screening salons

So feel free to inform, discuss, inspire, suggest... and even challenge. Here’s to the continuing ripples among us and to seeing you soon!


As you add your ingredients into the mix, five things to keep in mind:

1. Salons always end too soon, so please share your thoughts that were left unsaid during our salon talk time!

2. This is private to our group, so respecting everyone's privacy is important.

3. Group sharing is different from one on one (which you can do on the Members page). Here, with more eyes and ears involved, the potential for ripples is even greater.

4. SSR is the home of authentic relationships, not short-term transactions.... Please resist the urge to pitch, promote or sell.

5. Don't be humble... We WANT to hear about your successes… and you might likely get some additional ripples, too.


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • February 4, 2021


  • Created by

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