Oct 15, 2020 I know that the election and the time afterward is on everyone’s mind, and that goes for me, too. Divisiveness in politics… and in general is why I chose the theme and timing for my Fall Screening Salon Series that starts on Tuesday, November 10th. Intentionally non-partisan, the Fall series focuses on the importance of listening for better understanding and eventually for speaking... as a voter, a friend, a colleague, a parent, a family member, a caregiver, etc.
Click here for the Series program and more on my Featured Guest, Erahm Christopher, a filmmaker, social strategist and speaker with a global presence. He’ll be a familiar face to some, since he attended a few of the Connection & Belonging screening salons this summer. Erahm and his film Listen were just featured in an article that came out on Tuesday, Oct 6th. “You’ll Never Listen the Same Again”.
Here’s an excerpt:
”He [Erahm Christopher] realized that at the core, listening fosters connection through a shared empathy and this is what young people were wanting and needing. 'My experience helped me craft a story that I hoped would inspire youth, adults, and educators to realize the importance of shared empathy and how the act of listening can change a life,' said Christopher.”
Since the group size is limited, please be sure to reserve early, AND if you know others who might be interested, please share this with them and they can come here for details and booking. You can reserve for the entire (4-part) series ($40) or single sessions ($11 each). We’ve also introduced a reduced fee for Students.
If you want to know what’s been cooking at Stone Soup Ripple, check out the rest of these blog posts. In one of them, you’ll get to read what participants and Featured Guests have said about some of the gatherings they’ve attended. So far, I’ve presented over 20 online and in-person gatherings since December’s New York soft launch. Look for more and please know that we love getting feedback!
As always, everyone is welcome to join us and add their unique ingredients to the mix. I look forward to you adding your ingredients into the mix that allow stone soup ripples to expand. ) ) )